Digital Capability Assessment: The people Side
Creating a culture with the right people and mindsets is critical to a digital transformation’s success
The assessment focuses on four dimensions: Communication,Customer-centricity, Employee action and Speed and performance
We partner with you on your most pressing digital needs, from targeted capability building for digital skills, to supporting end-to-end agile transformations, and building enterprise-wide capabilities at scale. We blend interactive simulations with online courses, on-the-job learning, expert coaching, peer forums, and more.
With a large network of Partners, capabilities and expertise, Smartupswing offers a wide range of events, to foster the learning, sharing and innovation
Our approach privileges a safer and incremental kind of Learning that makes you better at what you do, but also frees you up to revisit why you do it that way or what, say, you may want to do next.
Our programs are flexible and tailored to your organization’s needs—whether you’re building new skills within your digital teams or undertaking a full transformation.
In addition to our focus on building clients' digital capabilities, we take an active role in social learning and sharing, through meetups and conferences.